Automotive, Battery

Signs of a Faulty Car Battery &Easy to Follow Solutions

Surveys suggest that battery failures are one of the most common reasons for which car owners seek roadside assistance in the UK. Even if you have every single part of your car working optimally, a faulty battery is enough to leave you stranded and dumb.

Here’s a heads-up on the typical car battery failure signs to help you avoid them:

  1. Dim headlights

All electrical components of your four-wheeler run on its battery. You will understand your car battery is malfunctioning if those lights are not offering the optimal illumination.

  1. Slower crank

If you notice a slow or sluggish engine crank while turning the ignition, then you have a red flag for your car battery.

  1. Resorting to the gas pedal

You don’t need to press that gas pedal to kick-start your vehicle. However, if you see that it has become an essential routine, then you must repair your Car Battery in Preston or anywhere in the UK.


  1. Clicking sound on turning the key

Do you know what a starter solenoid is?

It is an automobile part that aids in setting the car engine, and consequently, its other components, in motion. The role of the battery here is to send a larger electric current to this solenoid and a smaller one to the vehicle’s ignition switch.

However, if the battery is not in proper running conditions, the solenoid won’t receive sufficient power. As a result, there will be a clicking sound on turning the ignition.

  1. Backfiring

Your exhaust can backfire due to a number of reasons, but a faulty battery is among the more common ones. Batteries that deteriorate in their working condition lead to intermittent sparks resulting in fuel accumulation in vehicles’ cylinders. Your exhaust starts backfiring once the fuel is re-combusted.

How to expand car battery’s lifespan?

Usually, the lifespan off typical car battery can vary anywhere between 4 to 6 years. Even though you will understand the warning signs of a faulty battery, following those pointers mentioned below will keep early battery replacements at bay.

However, if you must, seek the help off expert automobile garages such as Preston Tyre Bay. They provide a host of services like engine diagnostic, tyre and Brake Repair in Preston, etc. along with battery repair.

Here are a few more tips to make your battery last longer:

  1. Limit shorter rides

An effective way of maintaining battery power is driving longer journeys and using the car frequently. On the contrary, frequent short drives can drain excessive power.

  1. Keep an eye out for battery terminals

Check whether the terminals are corrosion-free. Rusty terminals can disrupt the link between the vehicle and its battery.

Battery terminals often get over-heated, e.g., when you use the air conditioner while keeping your car in idle. Thus, one way to ensure the terminals remain cooler and function appropriately is to use coolant sprays. These sprays are of high-temperature grease; spraying them on those terminals keeps them cool and corrosion-free for extended periods.

  1. Avoid using electronics when the car isn’t running

Radio, AC, lights, etc. – turn them off when your car is sitting idle to avoid putting excessive pressure on the battery.

Other than these, you must look after your vehicle as a whole and take it for servicing periodically. This will not only provide optimum battery performance, but it’ll also ensure safer and smoother road journeys.


The Essential Guide for Taking care of Non-MOT Car Parts

Every driver in Britain has to take the annual MOT test to ensure the road worthiness of their cars. Almost all the major and minor parts of the car are checked in this test. Some of them are-

  • Brakes
  • Windscreen
  • Bodywork
  • Exhaust

Even car Tyres Preston is covered by this test. The three surprising omissions from this list are the engine, clutch and gearbox. While the fear of an MOT failure compels many drivers to keep the concerned parts in good condition, what happens to the parts that are not covered by it?

Dunlop Tyres preston

The reason for the non-inclusion of these vital components hasn’t been disclosed by the authorities. However, MOT or not, it’s essential to take proper care of them for the smooth operation of your car. Engine, clutch and gearbox are all vital components that directly affect the drivability and on-road safety of the passengers.

So, here’s a comprehensive list of care tips for these parts that do not come under the purview of the MOT test.


  • Keep a check on the engine oil level. Change it as and when necessary.
  • Do not let the fuel level reach the bottom of the tank. Refill before that happens.
  • Keep a tab on the dashboard lights. If any of them are flashing, take your car for an engine diagnostic in Preston.
  • Check the condition of the air filter whenever you go for an oil change. Replace it in case of clogging.
  • Drive responsibly. Erratic driving practices put a lot of pressure on the engine.

Keeping the engine in a perfect working condition is paramount for an enjoyable driving experience. It also ensures higher fuel economy and prevents the need for major repairs, both of which are healthy for your bank balance.


  • Avoid riding the clutch. Press it only when necessary.
  • Brake responsibly. Get down to a lower speed wherever possible.
  • Accelerate gradually.
  • If you are on a slope, do not use the clutch to avoid rolling backwards. Instead, use the handbrakes.
  • Keep an eye for the leaking clutch fluid or a slipping clutch. If you notice these issues, immediately take your car to a service station like Preston Tyre Bay. They employ the latest technology to solve all car related issues.

The clutch is responsible for one of the major functions of the car, changing gears. If it is not working at its peak, that’s a severe safety threat.


  • Check the level and condition of transmission fluid periodically.
  • Ensure the proper functioning of the engine cooling system. It is responsible for cooling the transmission fluid that enters the gearbox.
  • Give some time to the car for warming up before starting your journey.
  • Ask your mechanic to check the transmission system when you go for your annual servicing.

Both the clutch and the gearbox are interconnected. Maintain their proper working condition for the optimal performance of your car.

These three parts are not checked in an MOT, yet they require regular maintenance and service. Give them as much attention as you would do to a part that is covered in the MOT. There will be severe consequences if you don’t.


Goodyear’s New Vector 4Seasons May Well be the New Face of All-Season Tyres

Changing car tyres is a necessary, and yet an unavoidable investment, which every car owner in the UK has to bear with altering seasons. While multiple tyres investments can be cumbersome, it is imperative owing to the varying weather conditions the United Kingdom goes through.

However, amidst all this cacophony, experts at Goodyear’ headquarters are looking to think differently. They have come up with their all-new Vector 4Seasons car tyre – indeed a blessing in disguise. So, while renowned tyre dealers in Preston like Preston Car Bay are embracing this new model, it may be worthwhile to take a sneak peek.

Goodyear’s Vector 4Seasons (A true all-rounder) –

This new tyre from Goodyear predominantly targets the budget-conscious British family. As per experts, Vector 4Seasons will finally eradicate the need to keep two sets of rubbers for summers and winters.

So, what makes Vector 4Seasons different from others? Have a read:

  1. Compound adaptability:

As atmospheric temperatures fall below the 7®C mark, summer tyres tend to harden; thereby rendering them brittle. This, in turn:

  • Reduces overall traction on ice.

  • Makes the tyres prone to punctures owing to their brittleness.

On the contrary, Vector 4Seasons tyres laced with an adaptable rubber compound prevents this hardening up, thus sustaining road-gripping capabilities.

  1. Sustainable treads:

Another reason for their increased popularity among the best new tyres in Preston is the specially designed treading blocks. Considering the temperate climate in many parts of the UK, it prevents chances of unprecedented hydroplaning.

Moreover, they come with high-density grooves or siping. Invariably, the tyres are able in overcoming snowy surfaces aiding in better gripping.

Note: A recent test revealed that Vector 4Season tyres are capable of providing hatchbacks and sedans with an additional 5 ft. of stopping distance.

  1. Longevity matters:

Cost reduction is directly proportional to the longevity of a tyre. In this respect, these new Vector4Seasons tyres from Goodyear tend to last 2.5 times more than their generic summer and winter counterparts.

Other than the above, Vector 4Seasons tyres, thanks to their improved tread pattern, tend to decrease the overall noise production.

What about off-roading capabilities?

As of now, hatchback and sedan variants are already some of the bestselling models worldwide. However, considering the SUV, this company still needs to conduct a couple of tests according to the latest developments.

Talking of their SUV variants, Goodyear said:

  1. Their new release will cater to both highway and off-roading vehicles.

  2. They will be tubeless, leading to greater resistance against corrosion.

  3. They will aid in improving the overall mileage of a vehicle.

Maintaining tyre treads –

To enhance the lifespan of these Vector 4Seasons tyres, experts suggest the following steps.

  • Regulate tyre pressure periodically

Low tyre pressure often puts excess pressure on treads leading them to wear out faster. So, experts recommend checking for tyre pressures at least once in 20 days to ensure sustainability.

  • Tyre rotation

Rotating your car’s four tyres around the four-axle points is crucial in providing uniform wear and tear. This, in turn, ensures in providing a similar lifespan to all the tyres.

However, since rotation requires proper and professional care, visiting a facility like Preston Tyre Bay seems to be a credible option. So, fit your vehicle with the latest Goodyear Vector 4Seasons tyres and get rid of the hassles of changing tyres repeatedly.